Matching Women's Clothes and Accessories: How to Do It

Matching Women's Clothes and Accessories

Here are some tips for matching clothes and accessories. Unleash your creativity and play with necklaces, bracelets, bags, belts.

Matching clothes and accessories is child's play if you know how to do it: balance, common sense and good taste, a sense of color and combinations, in short, what does it take?

If you are indecisive when choosing which accessories to wear with your outfit, here are some tips for matching clothes and accessories without wasting too much time.


Less is more even for accessories

The first tip for matching accessories and clothes is not to overdo it by filling yourself with necklaces, bracelets, rings, maybe even adding a hat, glasses, scarf and a super decorated bag.

Accessories, like makeup, have the function of enhancing, underlining, completing, not filling every little empty space. So if the dress is super sparkly and elaborate, perhaps it is better to avoid loading yourself with equally important accessories.

In short, let's avoid the Christmas tree effect: because if everything tries to attract the attention of the viewer, in the end nothing stands out. It will just seem like a jumble of randomly assembled pieces.

So, let's focus on simplicity: a simple dress can be paired with a bracelet, a necklace or a pair of statement glasses. A dress in neutral and soft colors can be paired with a colorful and shiny accessory, without forgetting to take into account the color combination: no clashing colors.

How to match accessories and clothes based on color

Even matching colors when it comes to clothes and accessories is an art.

The simplest solution is to match shoes, bag and accessories using the same color or similar shades. Be careful not to overdo it by repeating the same color, otherwise it risks looking unnatural. There are also those who consider it an out of fashion choice, which was used a few decades ago but now seems out of date, but there are other options.

For example, you can choose to wear a two-tone or multi-colored dress and match the earrings to one color of the dress, and the shoes to another.

If you love brightly colored accessories, you can match them with a neutral colored dress and vice versa.

For example, a black handbag can be paired with a fuchsia sequined dress , while an orange bag of the same model can be paired with a rather sober black dress .


Another way to match clothes and accessories is to choose a dress with a neutral background and details defined by a strong contrasting color, for example a white dress with turquoise decorations. At that point the accessories can pick up the turquoise detail, not necessarily picking up the exact same color but also a shade of turquoise.

You can also opt for a monochrome outfit. In that case the choice is relatively simple: the accessories must be the exact same color and shade as the clothes. Maybe not so simple.

Just like makeup, accessories can also enhance our natural colors: choosing a blue scarf, necklace or earrings can make light eyes stand out, just as choosing a gold or silver jewel can harmonize with the color of our skin.


Materials, texture, touch: the matching of clothes and accessories also depends on them

We played with colors, but that's not the only thing to consider. Textures and materials can also be a point of reference for matching clothes and accessories.

You can play on contrasts and therefore match a pair of earrings or a shiny and smooth bracelet with a matte and rough texture; or you can do the opposite by matching a satin accessory with a shiny gold dress .

Or you can choose to combine materials and tactile sensations of the same type: shiny with smooth and matte with suede.

A practical tip: be careful when wearing certain types of fabrics not to damage them with accessories. A long, dangling earring can catch on a wool sweater, and metal belt hooks can ruin that pretty but very delicate dress.


Balanced shapes also for accessories

We have already talked about how to choose large and small bags based on the part of the body you want to enhance.

Even the other accessories should be chosen based on how we have chosen to keep our hair, what we have chosen to wear and how it looks on us.

Choose a longer necklace if you want to enhance your breasts or a shorter one if you want to enhance your neck, round if your shirt or dress has a round neckline, thin with a small pendant if the neckline is V-shaped; instead, choose long and voluminous necklaces if you wear a turtleneck.

Earrings are great for illuminating your gaze and the shape of your face: choose materials and colors not only based on your outfit and the occasion but also on your complexion and the color of your eyes and hair.


We leave the most important rule of all for last: accessories must not only be suitable for the occasion but must speak of us and your personality. They can be real external signs of what we have inside and what we want to communicate.

Explore the women's accessories section of Kalè Store , play at matching clothes and accessories , but above all find yourself!

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