How to dress children for nursery and kindergarten: some advice

How to dress children for nursery and kindergarten: some advice

If you haven't thought about what to wear for the first day of nursery or kindergarten, now is the right time. Some tips.

These days , young and old are getting ready to go back to school ; for some, it's the beginning of a great adventure: it's the first day of nursery or kindergarten . Today, we'll give you some suggestions on how to dress children at nursery and kindergarten, also in view of the autumn and winter that are approaching us.

It's really the right time to go shopping because Kalè Store has added many new products in the clothing section.

How to dress children for nursery school?

Nursery school is often the first opportunity a child has to interact with and receive care from people other than parents or grandparents .

It is a delicate moment for the whole family because even if the separation occurs gently through insertion it is still an important change , which can generate anxiety and some tears, not only from the children.

Fortunately, educators help us face this new adventure by giving us advice and support on a whole series of important aspects, including clothing.

Generally, there are no uniforms or strict rules about clothing at nursery school: what matters is comfort .

And by comfort we mean both that of the child who must be able to move , and that of the person who will take care of the child and will have to feed, change and dress him .

Another thing to consider is that they may ask you to bring one, two or three spare changes of clothes to leave at the nursery in case your child gets dirty .

It is therefore important to do your sums well, also paying attention to what is left at home, so as not to run out of bodysuits, overalls, and socks.

As for underwear, classic onesies are fine: just make sure they are easy to open to make diaper changes easier.

When it comes to potty training , the educators themselves will tell you what the best solution is, for example panties.

In many nurseries, in addition to socks, they recommend non-slip socks, to allow children to move freely, without the risk of hurting themselves.


As for the actual clothing, it depends a lot from nursery to nursery: in some cases, the classic onesie is fine.

On Kalè Store you can find fabulous onesies: for boys we have a sporty print onesie or a dragon-themed onesie .

For girls, a Nike-branded onesie and a patterned onesie .

The advice could be to wear a separate outfit , shorts and a t-shirt, to make changing easier and the child's autonomy . In this case, the tracksuit is the master: here's what's new on Kalè Store.

This tracksuit for future basketball champions with a hood , a black and white or completely black tracksuit, both signed Calvin Klein.

Sets are also available: two trousers and a Mayoral t-shirt . A convenient solution to always have a change ready.

You should always be careful not to cover children with clothes that are too thick and suffocating, because generally the problem is not so much the cold but the heat of the internal environments that overheat quickly. Clothes that are too warm, the classic wool sweater, can cause discomfort, make the child sweat and make him sick.


How to dress children for kindergarten or nursery school?

Nursery school, preschool, kindergarten: whatever we want to call it, nursery school is a whole other adventure and therefore the needs of both the school and the children change.

There are schools that require you to wear an apron of a certain color based on the child's gender or section membership, some that use the apron only for activities where you get dirtier.

In others there is no uniform at all , others still may request shirts with the colours of the section and black or blue trousers.

Generally speaking, it is almost always advised against putting skirts on little girls or trousers with buttons made of fabrics that are too stiff , because it is in nursery school that they are taught to go to the bathroom on their own, so it is better to make the task easier for our children with comfortable and easy-to-wear clothing.

Once you have received the instructions from the teachers, it is best to follow them, not only to make things easier for everyone, but also to teach children to respect the rules .

So yes to tracksuits again: on Kalè Store you can find many tracksuit bottoms, like this cobalt one , but the perfect solution could be a tracksuit set with a long-sleeved t-shirt or this set with a sweatshirt and two trousers to keep in the locker as a change of clothes.

Already a video game enthusiast? Here's a beautiful yellow themed sweatshirt for a young gamer .

For girls there is a pink tricot tracksuit and a set with a tracksuit and long-sleeved t-shirt in raspberry . And again, a shirt and leggings always in shades of pink .

The school may also make specific requests about shoes , for example slippers and shoes without laces or special fastenings, always to encourage autonomy, as well as rubber boots and a raincoat to be able to play outdoors even when the weather is perfect.

Always remember to provide the school with the required number of changes of clothes in case of small accidents and to replace them with each change of season .


We have given you many tips on how to dress children for nursery and kindergarten : some will be useful, others less so due to the specific needs of the school, but there is a rule that applies to everyone: focus on comfort . Only in this way will the first day of school be a truly fantastic adventure for everyone: Kalè Store will be by your side!

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