Prevention against Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Is it safe to receive packages from countries where there have been cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus)? Can I buy from

Absolutely YES. Your safety is our priority. We have three physical stores in Italy, in addition to the Online Store, and our premises, including the warehouse, have been adapted to all national regulations to combat the spread of the virus. We also follow all the indications issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) to safely handle our goods.

What do KaleStore's partner Couriers/Shipping Agents do in this regard?

Our couriers have adopted all ordinary and extraordinary measures to make the delivery safely, without the obligation to sign, thus also avoiding possible close contact.

Will my order arrive late?

We acted in the most acute period of the pandemic, we are acting and will continue to act so that your order does not suffer any delay: our customer is always at the center of our attention, while maintaining very high safety measures to limit the spread of the virus.

Will I still be able to return my items?

Absolutely YES. Contact us with one of the tools available (whatsapp, messenger, email) and we will do everything possible to help you with your return. To speed up the procedure, you can act independently starting from the appropriate section of our website.